“D49 votes to take away constitutional rights of sitting board members” posted by Moms For Liberty

https://youtu.be/VK4SdO_VFAk. “D49 votes to take away constitutional rights of sitting board members” posted by Moms For Liberty. This is an unthinkable act by three on the D49 board who ad nauseum proclaim themselves to be “Constitutional Conservative Christians” Lori Thompson, John Graham, and Rick Van Wieren votes yes to revise a policy to shut down … Read more

“D49 blindly approves all current SEL programs without researching them.” Posted by Moms For Liberty.

  “D49 blindly approves all current SEL programs without researching them.” Posted by Moms For Liberty. Thank you, Moms For Liberty, for bringing to light the attempt to shove down the throat of our children CRT-ladened programs called Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Lori Thompson, John Graham, and Rick Van Wieren must be called out, along … Read more

Immigrant student excels from Sand Creek High with prestigious scholarship

CELEBRATE!! Israel Oketunmbi, a Daniels scholar from Sand Creek High School, didn’t speak much English when he emigrated from Nigeria to the United States at the age of 7. Elementary and middle school were a struggle, he recalled, as he struggled through behavioral and academic issues without being able to properly communicate. https://gazette.com/news/education/colorado-springs-high-school-students-surprised-with-one-of-states-most-coveted-scholarships/article_b5a525f6-c83f-11ed-a59a-9f6d1e188cf6.html

Video clips of D49 meetings on M4L Youtube Channel!

Find more video clips of D49 meetings for key discussions on Moms Liberty (M4L) Youtube Channel.  https://youtube.com/@momsforlibertyelpasocounty8327 Thank you Moms For Liberty (Darcy Shoening, Kristy Davis, Samantha Wild) for helping inform the communities on important matters in the school districts.      

Demanding D49 Legal and financial accountability

19 March 2023 From: Ivy Liu <[email protected]> To: Peter Hilts (11:26 AM) To: Brad Miller, John Graham (11:59 AM) BCC: [email protected] Subject: Legal and financial accountability It has been brought to my attention that CORA requests are being denied to constituents in violation of CORA statutes.   I do not think we as a district want to … Read more

Leftists reign in D49 with support from board John Graham, Lori Thompson, Rick Van Wieren

https://youtu.be/N4NF4xKITbY What is our conservative county coming to? This is worse than when we had liberals in majority on school boards. Conservatives are banned or thrown out of meetings. Speeches of conservatives are often interrupted and admonished by BOE President John Graham who, along with his sheeples Lori Thompson and Rick Van Wieren on the … Read more

K-12 school discipline model is failing students and teachers

Some administrators and teachers are realizing we have deep issues. But few have the power to make decisions at the top. Obama ushered in “equity in discipline” that led to Restore Practice that cost districts millions overtime but have resulted in the breakdown of good discipline. Is this all part of an insidious long game … Read more