Whose responsibility is it to protect children and vet curriculum? by Ann Easton

12/15/2022 Ann Easton – Former Special Ed teacher.

Why were you elected? Why did the people of District 49 vote for you – elect you? Do you even know?

They elected you to keep their children safe. They elected you to select the best curriculums in which to teach academics to their children.  This is mostly a conservative district. Not Liberal – – but conservative.

They elected you to do the research on the various curricula to help you with that selection.  It is not the constituents job to prove good academic education is provided and inappropriate curricula isn’t. That’s your job. That’s what every other school board does.  It’s not the constituents job to provide proof the children are safe with the programs offered, it’s your job to research and know what is good from bad in providing academic and all programs.  And that’s your most important roll.  But that’s not what the majority of this board is doing.

So let me help you. You all seem to like data, so here is some information.

Google says there are 23,956 or so students attending D49.  In 2017 there were .07 transgender people in the US population.  Now there is 1.4 percent. To me, that shows indoctrination.

So, with say 23,956 students and  – using the norm of percentage of .07 there should only be a total of

1676 trans students in the entire district. With 31 schools, and let’s say 20 classes per location, there should only be

54 trans students per school and there should not be more than

3 trans students in any class.

Now I’m guessing Your Family Services Coordinator has that information. I would ask him for all this data. I’m sure he has it collected. And I suggest investigating the academic and social emotional curricula being used at each school with transgender students over those numbers above – – before you select your TRUSTED CULTURE & CHARACTER EDUCATION programs. Thank you.