Social Emotional Learning (SEL) By: Sabrina A. Balister, former MSW, LSW

5 IMPORTANT POINTS TO KNOW ABOUT SEL By: Sabrina A. Balister, former MSW, LSW 1)  SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) is a vehicle for indoctrination into Leftist ideology, which is today’s cultural Marxism. SEL contains 5 Core competencies that are very subjective, and easily manipulated. They are: Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and making … Read more

D49: Stop the travesty against our children in Public Education!

Stop the travesty against our children in public education! We are dumbing down our children in order to raise social justice warriors, exactly in accordance with Communist John Dewey, “education reformer.” D49 reading and math scores in 2023 are literally 20-25% lower than 12 years ago. Translation: in 2023, 44.5% and 29.5% of D49 are … Read more

Attacks on conservatives by leftists (Purple Shirts) enabled by administration and RINOS on the board

Good morning board members, This came to my attention while looking at a local website that I visit, Next Door. I did confirm that this is indeed a copy of an official D49 posting on the official D49 social media site. From what I understand, there is an accompanying video from your superintendent. This is … Read more

Websites for increasing transparency in D49 and exposing the uglies

Some brave constituents are exposing the darkness and manipulations in D49. Other are working on informing the community.  Taxpayers deserve to know. Share these: **Three members of the board self-proclaim to be “Christian Constitutional Conservatives” while they consistently vote AGAINST the values of the community and ignore the input of the taxpayers. Look … Read more

Constituents Email June 2023

Our next meeting is Thurs, 8 Jun 2023, at 630 P at 3850 Pony Tracks Dr Please we need the presence of community members at the meetings. A whole has been going on in our D49. Some not so good. Please read up on a couple of news articles. This summer one of our crusades to … Read more

RETRIBUTION for exercising school board governance and fiduciary accountability

RETRIBUTION for EXERCISING GOVERNANCE AND FIDUCIARY ACCOUNTABILITY as a School Board Member. So it seems I have several stalkers on my FB who are monitoring my every word so they can find fault, violate my freedom of speech and make false allegations against me. Look at the orchestrated propaganda campaign (a leftist strategy) from November … Read more

Peter Hilts gets 11th year as Superintendent with 73% kids failing to meet Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness!!

PLEASE SHARE:  The D49 board members unceremoniously rejected qualified Superintendent candidate(s) we desperately needed for an overhaul in D49 after ten years of failing academic scores under Peter Hilts. The board voted to hire a superintendent on Feb 11, 2023, but waited over 6 weeks to post a search for superintendents candidates, missing the peak … Read more

Parents don’t know harmful effects of Social Emotional Learning (SEL)!

UPDATE 18 May 2024: This is one of numerous statements made by the former Board President that showed his ignorance and lack of understanding as well as refusal to be enlightened. To this day, he attacks those who try to shed the light on the harmful effects of Ideology-laden Social Emotional Learning (SEL). A profound … Read more

D49 Superintendent search duplicitous or just sketchy?

Compare the four recent superintendent searches right here in El Paso County D11:  March 2 2022: Superintendent Michael Thomas resigned.  May 7-24 2022 The D11 board announced three finalist followed by community interviews.  Jun 3 2022: D11 school board announced new Superintendent Gaal. The process evolved over THREE months.   Manitou:  Jan 20, 2023 Superintendent … Read more

Peter Hilts gets 11th year as Superintendent with 73% kids failing to meet Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness??

NEW SUPERINTENDENT:  The most unconscionable action taken by the board of D49 to date just occurred on Apr 20 2023.  Gross injustice has been inflicted on the children of D49. After 10 years of lackluster performance and failing academics where kids were graduating without the basic skills to achieve success in life, Peter Hilts gets … Read more