Board President felt intimdated by a churcher greeter and called out the big guns

The truth has come to light, not only regarding the situation where a board member felt “threatened” by a constituent. It also reveals that board member Lori Thompson is a skilled deceiver. The church greeter who attended D49 meetings witnessed firsthand the detrimental effects of John Graham, Lori Thompson, and Van Wieren’s actions on the … Read more


D49 is in CRISIS. RECALL LORI THOMPSON. There has been deliberate concealment of vital district information from the constituents. The claim of transparency is contradicted by intentional limitations. People in the District need to know what is really going on with their hundreds of millions of tax dollars. It is imperative that we prevent evil … Read more

D49’s toxic climate of repercussions and retribution- AKA Communism

D49’s toxic climate of repercussions and retribution: On Feb 22, the judge will decide if Ivy Liu’s defamation lawsuit against D49 will proceed.  This lawsuit is all about exposing the corrupt practices in D49 by Board members John Graham, Lori Thompson, and Rick Van Wieren working in cohorts with lawyer Brad Miller and Superintendent Peter Hilts. … Read more

Benghazi hero, John Tig Tiegen, calls out D49’s low academic scores 13Apr23

Benghazi hero, former Marine, and a new resident of D49, John Tig Tiegen, says he won’t enroll his kids in D49 due to the low academic scores. He tells it like it is: The superintendant “sucks.” John Graham, the board president who is loosely a former Marine and spineless minion to the incompetent superintendent Peter … Read more

Gender Ideology and Sexualization of our children

  If you want to get educated on what they are trying to do to our children, watch these videos from PragerU! – – – – – – – –  

D49 better get better

We have a new D49 board. The last two years in D49 have been a hellish circus marked by unprofessionalism and egregious behaviors by bullies on the board, infractions of policies and statutes, and ceaseless draconian oppression by a MOB. The Mob consisted of board members Lori Thompson, John Graham, Rick Van Wieren; Superintendent Peter … Read more

The Evolution of D49: “Sunlight Disinfects”

The Evolution of D49: “Sunlight Disinfects”  by Ivy Liu re spent in D49. Throughout my 2.5-year tenure on the D49 School Board, I have been a personal witness to a series of most unethical and deplorable misconduct. When I joined the Board in April 2021, they advised me against rocking the boat or being … Read more

Synoposis of D49 Gerrymandering and Election Interference

Director Ivy Liu demanded accountability of D49 Superintendent Peter Hilts for the district’s 10 year substandard academic scores and abysmal state/regional rankings. Liu questioned the social justice and equity ideology injected by certain costly Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs exposed by respectable researchers across the country. Unlike the other three D49 board members, Liu refused … Read more

How are they coming after our children? Is indoctrinations real?

I was very privileged to be interviewed by Hugo Chavez-Rey of regarding the indoctrination going on in the education system, and the impending harm to our children and country. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸. Starts at time marker 10:19: Please share with all parents you know.

A constituent’s voice about the destruction of D49

D49 continues to attack the advocates of quality education who dare to speak out. D49 Superintendent Peter Hilts is now turning his attacks on constituents more than ever. Are they going to be labeled “Domestic Terrorists” soon? Hilts has done the unprecedented for any professional let alone a superintendent who makes over a quarter of … Read more