Synoposis of D49 Gerrymandering and Election Interference

  • Director Ivy Liu demanded accountability of D49 Superintendent Peter Hilts for the district’s 10 year substandard academic scores and abysmal state/regional rankings. Liu questioned the social justice and equity ideology injected by certain costly Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs exposed by respectable researchers across the country.
  • Unlike the other three D49 board members, Liu refused to take the marching orders to “rubber-stamp” and to “vote along to get along with the board majority.”  She even dared to question the financial stewardship to move money towards teachers and staff.
  • John Graham, Lori Thompson, and Rick Van Wieren along with Hilts and lawyer Miller made Liu a target.  They frequently disparaged Liu’s research and fact-finding with rudeness and disdain, calling her a liar, while preaching to everyone else to follow the Cultural Compass.
  • Liu refused to back off from speaking the truth and presenting research and facts.
  • No hyperboles are used here. Watch the clips of videos on website.
  • Who is violating the Cultural Compass??
  • John Graham,  Lori Thompson, and Rick Van Wieren claim to be “Christian Constitutional Conservatives,” along with Hilts and Miller.  Miller has accused Liu of creating a hostile environment as one of numerous accusations he presented to the press while every single board meeting’s video showed the opposite.
  • Does anybody notice the egregiousness behind Miller’s actions?  Liu as a board member was technically a client of Miller…
  • In a desperate attempt to get rid of Liu, the board along with Hilts and Miller devised a gerrymandering scheme to “balance the population” amongst Director Districts.  Liu would be unable to run in November 2023.  Liu legally sidestepped the gerrymandering by moving residence within the school district in compliance with state statute. But Miller along with District Designated Election Officer, Lanette DePaul, interfered with Liu’s petition process.
  • Lanette DePaul under oath contradicted the signature verification by Steve Schlieker, the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder, and interpreted the state statute against the interpretation of the Chief Counsel to the CO Secretary of State. And the retiring judge “allowed” it.
  • The vice chair of the El Paso County Democratic party, Bob Rogers, celebrated Liu’s “disqualification” well in advance of public official notification. On the same day, another opposition group member bragged about Liu’s “disqualification” by sharing privileged information on Facebook. She published on Facebook an email FROM MILLER disclosing the privileged information.
  • Todd Watkins, in the capacity of Vice Chair of the El Paso County GOP, expressed “grave concern” regarding interference of candidate ballot access during the D49 School Board meeting on Thurs, Nov 9. See video.


-Liu’s signatures  were verified by Steve Schleiker, El Paso County Clerk and Recorder. 

-Liu met conditions for residence per the training by the Chief Counsel to the Secretary of State.

-D49 DEO Lanette DePaul, whether coerced or complicit, committed perjury under oath.

As reported by Paris Green: 

“Election Interference in D49 2023 School Board Election! Ivy Liu was gerrymandered out of her district in an attempt to disqualify her from the board. But she moved to keep up the fight. Again they tried to railroad her and stated that she didn’t move in time. That was a false claim. Next, they invalidated the signatures she collected for ballot access. Another false claim.

When shown proof, including a statement from El Paso County Clerk & Recorder and an affidavit from a data expert, of the validity of her signatures the board dismissed the proof. This is election interference on steroids.”