D49 Superintendent search duplicitous or just sketchy?

Compare the four recent superintendent searches right here in El Paso County

D11:  March 2 2022: Superintendent Michael Thomas resigned.  May 7-24 2022 The D11 board announced three finalist followed by community interviews.  Jun 3 2022: D11 school board announced new Superintendent Gaal. The process evolved over THREE months.


Manitou:  Jan 20, 2023 Superintendent Elizabeth Domangue resigned.  Apr 4 The Manitou board announced four finalists.  Meet and Greet and interview happened on Apr 20.  On Apr 27, Manitou school board announced new Superintendent Sean Dorsey. The process evolved over THREE months.


D20:   Oct 2022: Tom Gregory announced retirement.  March 15 2023 D20 board conducted community Interview of four finalists.  March 23 D20 school board announced new Superintendent Jill Harberer. The process evolved over THREE months or more.


D49.  Official decision to search for new superintendent during Feb 11 2023 Annual Planning Summit.  The  job opening was posted only for 16 days in April, almost two months later.  Apr 21 2023 D49 school board announced new Superintendent Peter Hilts on the same night as the interviews of three finalists with NO community interviews. The process evolved over within less than ONE months.

What is wrong with this picture??  Hilts has been there for 10 years and 45-70% of kids have been failing academically for as long. Minority kids, low income and Special Education kids are failing miserably. See the Colorado Dept of Education figures in link below. Hilts et al are calling this “misinformation.”
