Why are we featuring “Bullying and violations”?

We need to EXPOSE the TRUTH about what is going on in D49.  John Graham, Lori Thompson and Rick Van Wieren (hereafter “the trio”) have consistently voted against the conservative values of D49 district. See Board’s Vote record:


The narrow vote of 3-2 to renew Peter Hilts against extensive community input in May 2022 was a travesty for the children of D49.  Peter had nothing but excuses for 10 years of flatline, failing CMAS scores. He used Goal Academy as an outrageously deceitful excuse for “dragging down” D49’s K-8 scores when in fact Goal Academy is only 9th – 12th.

Hilts spent precious tax dollars on progressive indoctrination, such as Challenge Day (“Privilege Walk”) @ $30K each, Hanover Equity surveys @ $43K each, Professional Development titled “White Supremacy,” “Equity” and “Bias” that costs $25-$30K each, and hundreds of thousands of dollars for Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programs.

The board historically has not raised questions or conducted governance consistently for the last 7-10 years according to John Graham, who blamed his fellow board members for “rubber-stamping.”  But Graham’s finger-pointing and buck-passing have been refuted since since Ivy Liu and Jamilynn D’avola were elected in Nov 2021. The trio of Graham, Van Wieren, and Thompson consistently voted 3-2 to align with the administration in controversial matters. Ivy Liu and Jamilynn D’avola are ignored and disparaged.

The attempt to squelch and suppress proper governance started with the “Kangaroo Court” against Ivy Liu on April 20, 2022, where the trio stripped Ivy of her liaison assignments and office as board treasurer, with only an accusation and a board vote of 3-2. Verbal accusation was their “evidence.” This was absolutely in violation of Roberts Rule.

This unconstitutional tactic did not work to cause Ivy Liu to resign as intended. So in November, lawyer Brad Miller and the trio orchestrated a manufactured outrage over a Facebook post, in which Ivy urged parents to learn from history (Hitler) and fight to save children from indoctrination.

Three media outlets were invited to create an explosive publicity stunt that was meant to destroy Ivy’s reputation permanently. A Board Resolution listed nine egregious allegations against Ivy and stripped her entitlement to legal defense fund against Lawyer Brad Miller’s threat to initiate “criminal and civil investigations.”

Four month later, the accusers turned up ZERO concrete evidence. Brad Miller started creating more libelous fiction to back peddle and cover up.  https://youtu.be/1m4NjjG33Q8

Hilts and Graham banned 3 conservative constituents for reacting to the atrocious behavior the dais. The Purple Shirts were spared despite their heckling, “RESIGN” sign-waving, and hateful behavior towards Ivy.  The trio voted 3-2 against issuing an apology and retraction of the unconstitutional ban.


The hostility became more unhinged and uninhibited. On 22 Feb 2023, Graham threw out 2 conservative ladies who quietly held a 8×11 sign on their lap to call for the trio to resign. They had to wait for their ride outside. It was 2°F.

In March 2023, Peter Hilts, an employee of the board, took it upon himself to punish Ivy on unproven charges by banning Ivy Liu from communications with district leaders and specifically the counselors, psychologists and social workers. Student mental health is in the lime light due to current developments with the American School Counselors Association and proposed house bills.  Peter’s action is unconstitutional and in direct violation of C.R.S. 22-32-103.

The board along with Hilts and Miller have become a lawless gestapo operating on mob rule, bullying, and their own interpretation of laws and policies.  Cancel culture of the “minority” voice is in full effect. The “minority” voice happens to represent most of D49.

Lori Thompson who ran on the coat tails of Ivy Liu and Jamilynn D’avola have absolutely turned her back on her constituents. John and Rick are voting according to Peter Hilts’ agenda which go against the values of the community.

The Gang of 5 just pulled off a redistricting plan that is evident to anyone with intelligence as gerrymandering with an end goal of keeping Ivy Liu from running in Nov 2023.


Communities are rising up in other school districts to demand school boards to adhere to their campaign promises and represent the values of the community.

Douglas County fired a leftist superintendent. D3 locally got rid of their DEI personnel and programs steeped in CRT tenets. D11 fired their leftist superintendent and phased out their DEI department. Elizabeth School district just hired a conservative superintendent and demanded the resignation of three imposter “conservative” board members.

Rick, John, and Lori need to know, LOUD AND CLEAR, that they are DONE voting against the wishes of the community, disparaging the precious grandparents, ignoring endless public forum speeches and emails, and viciously attacking and bullying board members who are aligned with the community. They need to RESIGN.

We hope to become a website where people can come and find out about the positive things going on in D49 as well as things that improving gloriously, such as academic achievement and culture/morale.

By the way, everything stated here are backed by texts, emails, video or audio recordings, unlike the egregious allegations that the trio made against Ivy Liu.

D49 Guardians.


