D49’s toxic climate of repercussions and retribution:
On Feb 22, the judge will decide if Ivy Liu’s defamation lawsuit against D49 will proceed. This lawsuit is all about exposing the corrupt practices in D49 by Board members John Graham, Lori Thompson, and Rick Van Wieren working in cohorts with lawyer Brad Miller and Superintendent Peter Hilts.
These five employed draconian mob rule to intimidate, squelch, and aggressively target opposing viewpoints of board members and constituents. In this case, they are openly attacking conservative viewpoints in a conservative community.
Please take an hour of your time to preserve D49 that is in the hands of very woke progressives. Attached is details on the lawsuit:
Assisted by D49 lawyer Brad Miller and D49 superintendent Peter Hilts, board members John Graham, Lori Thompson, and Rick Van Wieren bullies by mob rule the two minority board members on the 5 person D49 board.