“D49 votes to take away constitutional rights of sitting board members” posted by Moms For Liberty


“D49 votes to take away constitutional rights of sitting board members” posted by Moms For Liberty.

This is an unthinkable act by three on the D49 board who ad nauseum proclaim themselves to be “Constitutional Conservative Christians”

Lori Thompson, John Graham, and Rick Van Wieren votes yes to revise a policy to shut down the free speech of Board Members and threaten punishment without due process or evidence.

This is NOT the America we know.


2 thoughts on ““D49 votes to take away constitutional rights of sitting board members” posted by Moms For Liberty”

  1. The way those three board members lied by saying they will help Liberty Tree Academy overcome their own board problems reinforces their lying. Im so fed up with bullies claiming to be FOR the staff and children.
    POWER TRIPS!! Go stick your liberal agenda somewhere else. You have been so obviously rude to the 2 conservative board members its disgusting. Lying to a room full of hopeful parents from LTA is also disgusting. Done. There are other districts with boards with integrity. Enjoy your short lived power.

    • Thank you, Merlyn, for your honest input. We appreciate your courage to express your thoughts and will attempt to share this with the entire board. Hopefully you won’t be accused of being Ivy’s alias!!

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